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The Impact of Advanced Features on Virtual Keyboard ARPU

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In the highly competitive market of virtual keyboard applications, user retention and satisfaction are paramount. While customization options like unique fonts and themes can attract users, the absence of essential functionalities such as autocorrect, word predictions, and swipe input can significantly impact user retention and, consequently, Average Revenue Per User (ARPU). This article explores the critical role these advanced features play in user retention and revenue generation, rooted in data and practical insights.

The Necessity of Advanced Features

Enhanced Typing Efficiency and Accuracy

Autocorrect and word prediction features are essential for enhancing typing efficiency and accuracy. They significantly reduce typing errors and speed up the typing process, making the user experience smoother and more efficient. According to a study by Market Research Future, users are more likely to stay engaged with apps that offer predictive typing and autocorrect features, as they help in reducing the cognitive load during typing.

Swipe typing, or gesture typing, allows users to type by sliding their fingers across the keyboard, connecting letters to form words. This method can be faster and more convenient, especially for users who frequently type with one hand. A report by Statista indicates that keyboards with swipe typing see higher user engagement rates compared to those without.

User Expectations and Market Standards

Popular keyboards like Gboard, SwiftKey and Fleksy have set high user expectations by including advanced features as standard. These keyboards not only offer autocorrect, predictions, and swipe input but also integrate additional functionalities like voice typing and multilingual support. Users expect a comprehensive typing experience, and keyboards that lack these features are often perceived as outdated or insufficient.

User Retention and Satisfaction

Retention is crucial for the success of any application. Features like autocorrect and word predictions are not mere conveniences; they are essential tools that improve the overall user experience. The absence of these features can lead to frustration, higher error rates, and ultimately, user abandonment. According to a report by App Annie, applications that do not meet user expectations in terms of functionality see a significantly lower retention rate.

User satisfaction is directly tied to the features offered by the application. Users who find a keyboard app difficult or cumbersome to use are less likely to stay engaged. High retention is closely tied to user satisfaction, which is boosted by features that make typing easier and more accurate.

Monetization and ARPU

Engaged users are more likely to explore premium features or make in-app purchases, directly impacting ARPU. Offering a robust set of features that includes autocorrect, predictions, and swipe typing can increase user engagement and satisfaction, leading to higher retention and monetization opportunities.

In a market saturated with keyboard apps, differentiating solely based on fonts may not be enough. Including core typing features can provide a competitive edge, making the app more attractive to a broader audience and improving its market positioning.

Calculating the Financial Impact

To illustrate the financial impact of including advanced features, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario with a virtual keyboard app:

  • Total Users: 100,000
  • Average ARPU: $0.40 per month per user
  • Retention Rate with Advanced Features: 80%
  • Retention Rate without Advanced Features: 60%

With Advanced Features

  • Retained Users: ( 100,000 \times 80\% = 80,000 )
  • Monthly Revenue: ( 80,000 \times \$0.40 = \$32,000 )
  • Annual Revenue: ( \$32,000 \times 12 = \$384,000 )

Without Advanced Features

  • Retained Users: ( 100,000 \times 60\% = 60,000 )
  • Monthly Revenue: ( 60,000 \times \$0.40 = \$24,000 )
  • Annual Revenue: ( \$24,000 \times 12 = \$288,000 )

Revenue Difference

  • Monthly Revenue Loss: ( \$32,000 – \$24,000 = \$8,000 )
  • Annual Revenue Loss: ( \$8,000 \times 12 = \$96,000 )

Thus, not having advanced features like autocorrect, word predictions, and swipe input could potentially result in an annual revenue loss of \$96,000. The more users, the more money is lost.

Insights and Recommendations

Fleksy SDK: A Comprehensive Solution

One example of a keyboard that has effectively integrated advanced features is Fleksy. Fleksy’s Software Development Kit (SDK) offers developers the tools to integrate these critical functionalities into their keyboard apps easily.

Fleksy SDK Features:

  • Autocorrect and Word Prediction: Fleksy’s SDK includes advanced autocorrect and word prediction algorithms that enhance typing accuracy and speed.
  • Swipe Typing: The SDK also supports swipe typing in 79 languages, providing users with an alternative and efficient way to type.
  • Customization Options: In addition to these essential features, Fleksy offers extensive customization options, including themes, fonts, and layouts, allowing developers to create unique and engaging keyboard experiences.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Several keyboard apps that have integrated Fleksy’s SDK have reported significant improvements in user retention and engagement. These apps have seen increased ARPU due to higher user satisfaction and the adoption of premium features.


In conclusion, while customization options like unique fonts and themes are important for attracting users, the absence of essential functionalities such as autocorrect, word predictions, and swipe input can significantly impact user retention and ARPU. By integrating these advanced features, keyboard apps can enhance user experience, improve retention rates, and ultimately increase revenue. The Fleksy SDK provides a comprehensive solution for developers looking to include these critical functionalities in their keyboard apps, ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

Investing in the development and integration of these advanced features is not just a matter of improving user experience; it is a strategic decision that can lead to substantial financial gains. As the market for virtual keyboards continues to grow, meeting and exceeding user expectations will be key to long-term success and profitability.

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